It’s been a big two weeks for EC. She’s past the eat-sleep-cry-eat-sleep stage, and now spends a decent amount of her waking time quietly observing…something. She loves looking over her right shoulder (just her right…whatever’s over her left isn’t interesting at all) and has been having some fun with tummy time too. She seems to be super strong for her age, and will lift her head during tummy time, and even scoot around by pushing with her feet if I give her something to push off of. The other day she almost rolled back to front entirely on her own. If she could just figure out what to do with her right arm in the process, she’d have it mastered. I’m working on teaching her to grab things…today she grabbed a doll we’ve been playing with and shook it about. She doesn’t have the “intent-reach-grip” cycle figured out yet…but hey, she’s only two weeks old. She’s been tracking with her eyes and head now for about a week—again, mostly on the right side.
We took her in for her first surgery yesterday. She was tongue-tied, and that had to be fixed for the sake of proper eating. The pediatric surgeon took her away drowsy but awake, and brought her back three minutes later in exactly the same state. She’s a trooper. She’s now working on learning what to do with that tongue…she started sticking it out a little today, something that had been impossible before.
She doesn’t have much patience with me reading to her just yet. I was explaining the finer points of mutual fund fees to her yesterday, and she just drooled and slept. But she did give me a smile when I declared that her college fund was up and running.